ISDN PRI E1 / T1,what is PRI E1/T1?


Asterisk E1 T1 PBX ip pbx

The PRI (PRI : Primary Rate Interface) is a telecommunications interface standard used on an ISDN (ISDN: Integrated Services Digital Network) for carrying multiple voice and data transmissions between the network and end users.

PRI is the standard for providing telecommunication services to businesses,offices,hotels,schools and home.There are 3 types of PRI.It is based on the E1 is common in Europe,Asia,South America and Australia,while T1 transmission in the US, Canada, and J1 in Japan.

The T1 line consists of 23 bearer (B) channels and one data (D) channel for control purposes. The E1 carrier provides 30 B- and one D-channel for a bandwidth of 2.048 Mbit/s.

ISDN PRI cards have 1/2/4 E1/T1 ports, with PCI/PCIE interface.They support Asterisk,FreePBX,Issabel,VitalPBX,Dahdi ...

 Users can build a VoIP phone PBX,Asterisk phone system,call center for enterprises,offices,hotels,schools,business,home...


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